Group Info

Group Leader: Sheridan Loughhead

Parent's Committee:
President: Peter Nunan
Treasurer: Wendy Collins
Secretary: Shannon Munro
Committee Members:
Sheryl Maddren
Cheree Hoyle

Parent's Guide
Please download the 5th Mildura Scout Group Parent's Guide (20 May 2014).

This guide contains the following information:
- Aims & Methods of Scouts
- Our Expectations of Parents
- Our Expectations of Youth
- Disruptive Behaviour
- Uniform Regulations
- Welcome To our Team
- Financial Commitment
- 5th Mildura Scout Group Details

5th Mildura Scout Group Parent’s Guide


This booklet is to provide new and existing Scouting Families with information about the 5th Mildura Scout Group, how it functions and how you can best help your child be part of it.

Aims and Methods of the Scout Movement

The aim of the Scout movement is to encourage the physical, mental social and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens.

Principles, as stated by the founder, Lord Baden-Powell, are that Scouts should serve their God, act to the betterment of themselves, their families and the community in which they live.

Method: Voluntary membership of a uniformed group which, guided by adults, is increasingly self-governing in its successive age groups. Commitment to a code of living as expressed in the Promise and Law, the meaning of which is expanded as the member grows towards maturity.

Our Expectations of Parents
In placing your child in the Scouting Movement, you have placed yourself under certain obligations. You will be expected to actively support our Group in a number of ways; to pay fees on time, to assist in fundraising efforts throughout the year, as well as help keep the hall clean by way of a rotating roster system.

You will be asked to attend Group committee meetings, where vital decisions are made regarding the operation of the Group.

All Leaders in our Group and the entire Scout Association are voluntary community workers, and are made up of parents such as you and other member of the public.

Fees paid to Branch Headquarters are used for training, accommodation, postage, stationary, salaries, equipment and insurance necessary to the running of a worldwide youth organisation.

Also for security reasons, there is a Sign Out book in the hall; this needs to be signed by who ever is picking up your child. Your child is not to leave the hall until that book is signed.

It is also now a requirement for Leaders and Parent helpers to obtain a Working With Children card. Forms are available from Australia Post, and the current Leaders can help you fill in the details.

Our Expectations of Youth Members

Upon investiture the youth members take a promise to uphold the Scout Law, in which holds the true values of Scouting. While we realise it would be impossible to be perfect all the time, we simply expect a genuine effort to adhere to those values.

We also expect the Youth Members to respect not only other people, but also especially the Leaders, who are there to guide the youth. If the Youth cannot at least listen and follow the advice or instructions from Leaders or other people in charge, there is no point trying to continue as it may lead to a safety issue, and activities being cancelled.

Disruptive Behaviour
If a youth member begins to show signs of disruptive behaviour the following steps have been put in place:
1. Leader will assess the situation and try to resolve it, if not;
2. The parent of the offending youth member/s will be contacted by phone and asked to remove their child from the activity immediately. And not return them until the problem is resolved.
3. Upon return, if the Youth Member continues to be disruptive, they will be asked to leave 5th Mildura Scout Group, as it is obvious the youth member does not want to be there.

All Scouts, Leaders and Helpers need to be free from physical and psychological harassment.

Uniform Regulations

This youth movement is a uniformed movement, and all members are expected to wear correct uniform, upon investiture into their section.

As members of the 5th Mildura Scout Group, your child is expected to wear correct, clean and tidy uniform on the 1st meeting night of the month, and to every other activity outside the normal Scout meeting nights, unless directed by their Leaders. If full uniform is not required, the scarf and woggle must still be worn.

On the other meeting nights of the month, a Group shirt can be worn in place of the uniform. This is to reduce the wear and tear on the uniform, and make activities more comfortable. Scarf and Woggle are still required.

New uniforms can be purchased from Snowgum stores in Melbourne, Adelaide, Ballarat and Bendigo, or online at

Group shirts are screen printed by hand, by the youth members, and the shirts can either be purchased through the Group or self supplied. Shirts are to be a red polo type top with a collar.

If members wish to wear other shirts under the uniform shirt, it must not be visible, for example long sleeves that hang out past the uniform sleeve.

Uniform consists of:

Navy Scout pattern Polo top with sleeves and collar. Tan shoulder for Joeys, yellow for Cubs, green for Scouts and maroon for Venturers.

Blue jeans or suitably neat pants or shorts.

Scout belts are only available from Snowgum, or second hand.

Solid covered in shoes or boots at all times, at all activities. Sandals, thongs and open toe shoes will not be allowed in the hall or on activities.

This is not compulsory every night, but if engaging in outdoor activities, headgear is to be worn, and the preferred hats are those sold by Snowgum, or other approved Scouting Hat.

Welcome to our Team

The 5th Mildura Scout Group warmly welcomes your family into our Group and the worldwide Scouting movement. Our Group is part of the Sunraysia District that includes other Groups like 2nd Mildura, Irymple, Red Cliffs, Delta and Dareton.

The worldwide Scout organisation has more than 25 million members. All Scouts regardless of colour, race or religion have the same promise and ideals as originally inspired by Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell in 1907, Scouting today is the largest worldwide youth organisation and your child has chosen to become a member of a section within our Group.

As a parent, you have effectively joined the association as well. Scouting is a co-operative community venture, sharing with your home, the school and your church, the task of building the character of the young and you are involved as your child. Scouting is not a child minding organisation, but a training and education movement. We are helping you to fulfil your responsibilities as parents in preparing your child for adult life.

Financial Commitment

Registration Fees: $244.00 per year
(Pro-rata rates available depending on time of joining, ask for details)
Group Fees: $80.00 per year, $60 for second child.
Troop / Pack Fees: $80.00 per year

Registration Fees cover insurance, administration at Branch
Group Fees cover gas, power, water, rates, maintenance of the hall and equipment.
Troop Fees cover basic things like badges, activities and other incidentals relating to running a Troop

Direct deposit is available, please contact the Group Leader for details.
Cheques to be made out to 5th Mildura Scout Group please.
Note: If you are having trouble with fees, please talk to someone

New Members, all Sections
The first 3 nights are free, registration and Group fees are payable on the 4th night, if possible. However a Y1 (Youth Membership Form) must be filled in on the 1st night!!

Fundraising - Car Batteries

Please drop off your old, unwanted car, motorcycle, boat and truck batteries to the 5th Mildura Scout Hall at 8 The Centreway, Mildura. Wednesday nights between 7pm to 9pm.

We can pick up your old batteries by calling 0477175911 to arrange a suitable time.
By donating your old batteries you will be supporting the 5th Mildura Scout Group.

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