Venturers : Backwoods Cooking

This Thursday night (31/3/11) at Venturers we were planning to cook pancakes. We have all done this before and there is a chance it might be a bit boring. Alexander has suggested that we do some 'backwoods cooking'. This is much more scouty and should be a lot of fun. I believe we will be making doughboys, koftas and shaky ice cream!

Backwoods cooking utilizes cooking gear and ingredients that can easily be carried on your back while hiking. Equipment may include a simple pot and pan and a knife. Other utensily can be fashioned from whatever materials the campsite offers. The ingredients are usually simple and long lasting. (e.g. flour would be carried in place of a loaf of bread). Other ingredients may be caught or collected en route.

Lightweight cooking.
Backwoods cooking.


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