Cub Sleepover Camp, 30th to 31st July 2011

Camp Begins: Please meet at the Scout all at 1.30pm on Saturday.
Camp Finishes: Pick up will be from the hall on Sunday 11.30 am.

Equipment List for the Cub Sleep Over Camp

Each child will need
-Small back pack, hat, drink bottle of water, snack and piece of fruit for themselves
-Sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping mat, torch
-Toiletries including toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush, face washer, towel, soap
-Warm pyjamas or track suit to sleep in it will be cold!!!
-Change of clothes including underwear.
-Warm/waterproof coat.
-Dilly Bag (draw string bag) -plate, bowl, knife, fork, spoon, cup, tea towel.
-Camp blanket (If you have one)
- A slice or cake to share for Supper and morning tea. (I did ask if you could bring the 'Bake at Home Rolls' instead if that’s ok)
-Clean empty soup tin.

Please encourage your Cubs to help back their own belongings.

Please name everything clearly.

Remember it will be cold beanies and gloves a must!!

Cubs must wear closed in shoes at all times!!


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